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Friday 20 November 2009

Hello Doctor.. Few health tips .. take care of your health

Piles ,A commonly affecting disease in the abdomen of the people of age between 25-60 please don’t get hesitate to discuss this disease with doctor or in this forum it’s a common health disorder may appear in certain age for all the people ..

Piles symptoms:

Pain at passing stools, slight bleeding in the case of internal trouble, and feeling

of soreness and irritation after passing a stool are the usual symptoms of piles.

The patient cannot sit comfortably due to itching , discomfort, and pain in the

rectal region.

Piles causes:
Chronic constipation, bowel disorders

The primary cause of piles is chronic constipation and other bowel disorders. The straining in order to evacuate the constipated bowels, and the pressure thus caused on the surrounding veins leads to piles. Piles are more common during pregnancy and in conditions affecting the liver and upper bowel.

Other causes:

Other causes are prolonged periods of standing or sitting , strenuous work, obesity, "excessive consumption of chicken,capsicum, coffee,tea" general weakness of the tissues of the body, mental tension, stress, and heredity.

Piles Home Remedies:

·White radish is considered highly valuable in piles; 100 mg of grated radish mixed with a teaspoon of honey may be taken twice daily in treating this condition.

· This vegetable can also be taken in the form of juice mixed with a pinch of salt. It should be given in doses of 60 to 90 ml, morning and evening. White radish, well ground into a paste in milk. can also be applied over inflamed pile masses to relieve pain and swelling.

Mosambi fruit juice is suggested as a good antibiotic for curing piles..

· Better eat a curd rice every day once ,along with some ragi malt and curd really it cures without any irritation very faster then any antibiotic ..

· Eat all the vegetables , cereals

Antibiotics suggested by doctors

· Anovate cream and ointments.

· Cramafinn syrup.


A patient with piles must make an all-out effort to tone up the entire system. Exercise plays an important corrective rule in this condition. Movements which exercise the abdominal muscles will improve circulation in the rectal region and relieve congestion.